Monday, June 7, 2010

Whitney: No Voice & A Fatty?!?

So not only is my girl Whitney faltering when it comes to her vocals, she now is a shape shifter! Is this a Whitney doppleganger? What is going on? And you would think the weight gain would help them vocals cuz you know the stereotype, "That fat bitch can blow!" But it seems it has skipped over Ms. Queen-of-the-Rasp. Come on Nippy, if you can't give us vocals, at least give us shape. You are really loosing it Ms. Thing. Heading the Aretha-ville are we? And to think, you said that "I will never be fat!". LIES! HAVA-SEAT! 

1 comment:

Drew-Shane said...

I hope she's not preggers. I can't take it!

the question, is by who??