Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seasons: Knowing When It's Your Time & When It's Not

The hardest lesson to learn for me is knowing that life can be filled with swift transitions...

Me being such a person that operates from my heart and my gut, it's hard to swallow experiences that completely knocks the wind out of you. Whether it's death of a loved one, change in finances, or simply the end of a relationship, life can really deal you a hand that you may not be prepared for or could imagine. It's even tougher to bear witness to the rising of others while your life seems to be sedate.

But know that all things work for your good.

It's those very hard and heavy times that is act as a precursor to elevation. From a
spiritual sense, the divine always uses things to prepare us for our great inheritance.. Sickness, desertion, tribulation, are all used to fine tune and develop readiness for a miraculous shift in life. Seeing others elevations before your own is not a sign of you being undeserving. I've learned that everybody has their own path to tread, their own cross to bear, their own lessons to master. What may seem like a life promotion to you, may be another's biggest challenge yet. So don't fret. Continue to sow seeds that will continually add to your life and those around you. When your time comes, it'll be just that.
