Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Rant: Dreading 30

The stress that comes when your twenties come to an end is indeed palpable. Suddenly you start looking back and wondering where in the hell did all that time go? Did I use that time wisely? I should have been doing SOOO much more. All of these questions and concerns have been weighing heavily on my mind realizing that I will soon enter into my 29th year.

I always had this preconceived notion that 30 is the year when you should be making ground in your career, stable finances, settling down with a family. I can't speak on any of these things. lol. And as much as I read my shape to oblivion, I can't really be too mad because I could be locked up or dead.

Still one can't help but have an...ambivalent feeling to say the least. More like dream deferred realness. LOL. Although I know that greatness is within my grasp, I can't help but feel like dayum.. I wish I was there already.

Perhaps I should drape myself in some summer linens and make a video about such... Hmmm... anyway....

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