Wednesday, July 18, 2012

R&B singer Mario plans 'Recovery' to jump start career

Wonder where muffled trumpet sounded singer, Mario (pronounced MAH-RHI-O) has been hiding that Spongebob Square-head? Well let the girls tell it, he's been in the studio trying to churn out a hit that will equate to his Let Me Love You success. Now mind you, I have never been a huge Mario fan. To me, it seemed that he seemed to get lost in the shuffle of a crowded scene of R&B male crooners. And after hearing him pummeling his once heroin addicted mother shape and the failure of his last album D.N.A., it seemed bleak for a butchqueen. However, taking a listen to his new track Recovery, I must say that I was a bit taken. The production value sounds solid and his vocals seemed to intertwine quite nicely. Will it be enough for him to make his mark on the current musical climate? Chile, cheese..... Listen to Recovery below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really fukks with mario but this was cool