Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prop 8 Overturned & Gay Marriage

Same-sex marriages unconstitutional? Well that's what the Supreme Court will now have to decide because California's Prop 8 ban has been overturned in California. What I don't really understand is why people get in such an uproar in regards to gays wanting to get married. Having been raised in the church, I've heard the "marriage is designed for a man and a woman" rant, but for real... why would Danny and Arnold's nuptials really bother you Rev. McClurkin? I can understand the need for Princess and Kris to want to get married due to financial issues, health care, etc. So I think if a person decides to say, "hey, let's spend the rest of our lives together and get married..." I don't have a problem with that. Isn't that the joy of living in America? To not be dictated to on how we should live our lives? Seperation of church and state anybody? So if Antoine wants to marry Leroy, let him. If for any reason, let it be so he can shut up!

1 comment:

c. jay conrod said...

That's the conclusion I came to as well. There is a separation of church and state. Christians wanting to ban same-sex marriage because it's against their religion/morals is like Muslims wanting a federal ban on pork. My beliefs should only affect how my life is lived. They shouldn't dictate how your's is run.